Download WOW 3.1 Patch - WoW 3.1 Patch available now! WoW official site has released the latest WoW patch, download WoW patch 3.1. If you are the biggest fans of World of Warcraft, and I bet you already know about this update since a few days. WoW 3.1 Patch ready for your WoW gaming experience better than before. There are many of these update 1 3 patch. Here is the complete list of WoW 3.1 Patch.
- Due to changes in Talent Tree, all players have their talent points refunded.
- All Ground Mounts can swim without disassembly of the driver.
- The Argent tournament a permanent in-game event, it is up to Icecrown.
PvP update
- Arenas
- Battle Fields
- Lake Wintergrasp
- Anti-Magic Shell: The amount of damage can absorb this capacity is now at 50% of death knight of Health
- Blood boil the damage does not take more damage pestilence.
- Blood boil has some damage to undiseased goals and extra damage to diseased targets. The radius of the damage is limited to 10 meters.
We are the place to download WOW Patch 3.1 with some 740 MB. They need more time to upload this download WOW Patch 3.1. For a time, download and read the full 1 3 patch note and you will receive information about this patch updates. Download WOW Patch 3.1 here.

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